Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Where To Start: Reporting Cyberbullying

Reporting and resolving a cyberbullying incident will vary depending on your awareness and understanding of the issue. However, this list provides the necessary steps to help stop cyberbullying online.

Save the evidence. Print copies of messages and websites. Take screen shots of posts or comments on social networks.

First offense (if minor in nature): Ignore, delete, or block the sender. Instant message programs, e­mail, social networking sites, and cell phones all have blocking features.

If a fake or offensive profile targeting a child is set up on a social networking site, report it to the site. Go to the site’s Help Center for further details.

Make sure to copy the URL link (the website address) to the site to report.

Investigate your child’s online presence. Search your child’s name through search engines.

If the person doing the bullying is another student, share evidence with the school counselor.

Report the cyberbullying to the police or cyber crime unit in your area if the cyberbullying contains threats, intimidation or sexual exploitation.

Check to see if any additional bullying may be occurring at school.

If a perpetrator is known, and cyberbullying is continuing, contact the perpetrator’s parents and share your evidence. Ask that the cyberbullying stop and that any posted material used to be removed immediately.

If your child expresses emotional distress or thoughts of self-harm seek help immediately.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great resource to give to parents of students. I feel like often times with altercations between students, whether online or face to face, parents are quick to blame their child's "bullier" without evidence. Teaching parents how to help their child in an organized, factual manner will be very beneficial to all involved.
